Why translate, when you can Transcreate?

Would a lemon by any other name taste as sour? That’s what we asked ourselves when creating our latest visual Transcreation piece. As is our habit, we were discussing the ins and outs of navigating between two languages and why it’s so important that we don’t merely translate.

In this example we’re exploring how one would say lemon or lime in Spanish. If you were to ascribe to the direct translation method, you might think that lemon in English would be limón in Spanish. Or, that lime in English would be lima in Spanish. But, you would be wrong! 

How one would say lemon or lime in Spanish?

This is a simple example but it illustrates a much larger point about the importance of transcreation. See, it’s not enough that a translation simply sounds correct, it must also have the correct meaning. So the next time you find yourself ordering a refreshing michelada, don’t forget to ask for limón and not lima, unless you want a lemonade beer.

For all your transcreation service needs, call us at (915) 581-7900 or contact Gabe Acuña.


Bruce Dundore |
What other languages and what is your general pricing?
Pao |
As an Hispanic living in the USA this was driving me crazy, every time I went to a restaurant and order water with lemon I was like what the heck! Or when I told people I needed lemon for Margaritas they looked shocked. Nice info graphic I'll keep it on my phone to remember anytime. It is so confusing, thanks.
Mike Matthews |
Pao, we feel your pain! Glad we could help out and spread the word about the importance of Transcreation. Check back soon for more insights.

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