Beer! Uniting cultures since forever.
To anyone who knows us, or has ever creeped our facebook pictures, it’s clear that team CS doesn’t mind the occasional libation. Don’t judge, there’s just something about the hoppy elixir that gets the creative juices flowing!
But I digress.
[answer: ponte trucha]
Our story begins as one night a few of our teammates were frequenting a local watering hole, trying to solve beer bottle cap pictograms (thanks Lonestar!).
It quickly became apparent that the puzzles, generally consisting of old timey turns of phrase, weren’t exactly translating for our Spanish language dominant compadres. Frustrated, one was heard to remark, “Porque no los hacen estas fregaderas en Español?” In English, why don’t they make these *@$! things in Spanish.
And the light bulb came on.
It wasn’t long before grupo CS developed our own series of transcreated beer bottle cap pictograms featuring hilarious Spanish cultural sayings or dichos.
We took to social media and released the puzzles weekly, inviting friends and fans to solve them or submit their own.
A game is always more fun when everyone can play and our little social experiment was a hit. It basically goes to show that CultureSpan Marketing can transcreate just about anything!
Nice pics right? We took those too! Think you can solve these puzzles? Give us your best guess in the comments section for a chance to win a prize package from CultureSpan Marketing.
[answer: sana sana colita de rana]
[answer: toma chango tu banana]
[answer: taco de ojo]
[answer: no era penal]