The Project
Launching any e-product to an informed and tech savvy market can come with inherent challenges. But effectively communicating that message to a Spanish language audience takes an extra insight into the mind of the Hispanic consumer. Not only does it have to work, it has work with their lifestyle. With that understanding we created our GECU 2GO campaign.
The Approach
Our concept works off of the universal understanding that any technology we adopt needs to plug seamlessly into our fast paced life. The spot centers around a mom, the central figure in any Hispanic household, as she recounts her busy day. Luckily e-services from GECU2Go, help her handle her banking at the speed of life. With a bright execution juxtaposing a fast paced world surrounding our hero as she takes time out to handle her e-business, and supported by the creative language that positions GECU2Go as a lifestyle tool, we personalized and stylized the product.
Along with our TV campaign we designed a 4 part fold mail direct piece to target our general and youth audiences.