Valentine’s Day:
Yay or Nay?
Ahhhh… Valentine’s Day! A 24-hour period of potential amor, roses by the dozens, sweet love-laced confections and greeting cards scribbled with the spilled confessions of your heart. Just one question… sign you up or ship you out?
The feelings undoubtedly differ depending on who you ask around the office. So what’s one to do if some of the team wants to flutter about with heart-shaped eyes but others want to stab cupid in the head with his own arrow?
Have no fear, friends. CultureSpan Marketing’s got ONE solution to help answer the question, regardless of which side of the fence you’re on. Presenting… the Happy/Crappy Valentine’s Day AmbiGram!
Our very own Isaac created this clever design that lets you celebrate the day festively or indifferently depending on your mood this year. All about the chocolates, flowers, kisses and romantic dinner for two? Flip your card to the Happy Valentine’s side. Just wanna get home to Netflix and chill with a large pepperoni pizza all by your beautiful self in sweatpants? Flip that mutha’ to the Crappy Valentine’s view.
As we all know, sharing is caring so we created a handy dandy downloadable version of the V-Day AmbiGram that you can send to friends and family anywhere… regardless of their Valentine’s affiliation.
A few simple steps and you’re ready to fly your feelings flag with pride to let everyone know how you REALLY feel about the special day!
Artwork by Isaac Villalpando ;-)