Electricity & Chihuahuas.
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Hola! Thanks for opening up our newsletter. We've got great stuff to share with you – like an awesome campaign launch, a blog that discusses a "stereotypical" baseball team name, an introduction to our new Creative Director and much more. So sit back, put the work on pause and enjoy!
An Electric Company Campaign
We had a great time working on this campaign for El Paso Electric. Here are a few of the elements we created to build awareness for what they do!
Is the Mascot for El Paso's Triple-A Baseball
Team Really A Stereotype?
The El Paso Chihuahuas. It’s the recently announced name of this West Texas town’s new Triple-A baseball team, and there weren’t many El Pasoans yapping with excitement about the reveal.
On the day it was unveiled, social media exploded with heated ranting about the decision. El Pasoans went to their computers and mobile devices in packs to post their opinions – and there was no sugar coating it, either. They went off about the mascot’s supposed lackluster appeal, its similarity to Taco Bell’s pint-sized spokesdog from the late-90s, how outsiders would think of El Paso as a joke and that it was just plain embarrassing.
Marketing to Hispanics:
Be Optimistic
What more powerful communicative act can there be than delivery of a message to the core of a person’s most ardent, meaningful and personal thoughts and beliefs? Some recent findings in a study by the Pew Hispanic Center, along with earlier research data, might put the notion of optimism into perspective when advertising to Hispanics.
Mike Matthews named
Creative Director at
CultureSpan Marketing
CultureSpan Marketing announced that Mike Matthews, the firm’s long-standing Broadcast Producer, has been named Creative Director for the El Paso-based company.
That CultureSpan Life
The last few months were filled with lots of fun and excitement. Here are a few pics as proof!